I'll forever remember my English (+ Literature) teacher in high school. She was the only teacher who taught me from year 1 to year 4, yet I was never bored of her. Her lessons were jam packed with laughter and tears, skits and singing. The only times we ever annoyed her was when we didn't hand in our homework.
Today, I stand in this world as an English teacher (still in my first year), with an aspiration to be the best English teacher my students could ever have. While I might not be like my English teacher, I still hope to be able to bring the joys of learning into my classroom and give them an experience that will always be
written in their memories.
I hope to be able to
sweeten their childhood. Yes, at times it might be with sweets to keep them awake and active in class. But also, to allow them to have fun during their younger days while learning at the same time.
And not forgetting the times when our roles are switched and you become the teacher instead. So
thank you for reminding me about the simple things I have in life and be thankful for what I have everyday.
So this is my heartfelt thanks to all my students and teachers (past and present) for the gift of you especially my teacher colleagues who are always there for me when I need help. Love, M.
P.S. A big thank you for all the gifts and notes; they will be treasured.